> 春节2024 > 还有几个月才过年呀英语




Two months from now, Chinese people will be celebrating the Spring Festival, which is equivalent to the Christmas holiday in the USA.


The Chinese New Year is approaching. We can also say that the Spring Festival is just around the corner. Other expressions can be used, such as \"is approaching\" or \"is drawing near.\"


The New Year\'s Day is coming up soon. We can also say that New Year\'s Day will soon be here or that New Year\'s Day is around the corner.


The word \"过\" can be understood as \"celebrate.\" Therefore, to say \"过新年\" in English, we can use the expression \"celebrate the new year.\"


\"过年\" refers to the Spring Festival, so we can say \"Spring Festival is coming\" or \"Spring Festival is around the corner.\" Another way to express it is \"Here comes the Spring Festival.\"


We can say \"Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year\" when referring to the holiday. In Chinese culture, the Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a very important festival.

在春节用英语怎么说 - 186****9247 的回答

In English, we can say \"In Spring Festival\" or \"In Chinese Lunar New Year.\" Another way to express it is \"During the Spring Festival.\"


1. The spring season starts in March and may end. 2. The summer season lasts from June to August. 3. The ninth month is in October, and November is a part of it.


When is the Spring Festival? The Spring Festival is celebrated on the 10th of February. Wishing you happiness and prosperity!


The Spring Festival typically falls in late January or February. Before the Spring Festival, people are busy with activities such as thorough cleaning of their homes, preparing for the festival by buying New Year goods and decorations, and making travel arrangements to be with family and friends for the celebrations.